Dr. Danling Tang of SCSIO visited two French institutes of oceanography
Sponsored by the French Consulate-General in Guangzhou, Dr. Danling Tang visited two French institutes of oceanography in November - Laboratoire d'Oceanographie de Villefranche (LOV) and Laboratory of Oceanology and Geosciences (LOG), at the invitation of Dr. Louis Legendre, Director of LOV, and Dr. Francois G. Schmitt, Director of LOG.
During her visit, Dr. Danling Tang was invited to visit Morocco Museum and Institute of Oceanography, and the ACRI-ST Earth observation & Environment Institute in Sophia-Antipolis. She met with Dr. Robert Calcagno, Director of Morocco Institute of Oceanography, and Ms. Nadia Ounais the Executive Director. Dr. Danling Tang gave speeches titled “Impacts of Typhoon on Marine Environment and Phytoplankton” and “Remote Sensing of Changing Oceans”. She presented an introduction of the South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, CAS and the latest accomplishments of remote sensing and natural hazards, discussed issues and exchanged ideas with French scientists. Her trip to France explored potential cooperation and promoted mutual friendly cooperation in the field of marine environment and remote sensing.
LOG lies in northeastern France, while LOV in the southwestern side. They are both famous French institutes affiliated to CNRS in fields of marine biology, geosciences, biogeochemistry, physical oceanography and remote sensing etc. LOV is famous for case 2 water research using remote sensing techniques. LOG and LOV took part in many important joint and cross-disciplinary research projects in France, the European Union and other countries in the world.