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American and French scientists made a visitation to SCSIO

  On invitation of Prof. Ziniu Yu of LMB, Prof. Patrick Gaffney, associate director in marine biosciences, college of earth, ocean, and environment from University of Delaware, USA and Prof. Pierre Boudry, from Physiologie et Ecophysiologie des Mollusques Marins, Ifremer, France visited our institute on Nov. 20. The two scientists gave 4 presentations on the topics of population genetics and genomics of oyster. Nearly 30 researchers and graduate students of LMB participated in the seminar, and they made an active discussion with the guests on the questions they are interested after presentations.

  Prof. Patrick Gaffney has been working on oyster population genetics, molecular biology and genomics. He attained a significant achievement on studies of American oyster, and is at present the species (oyster) coordinator in Aqua-genomics Community, USA. The two talks he gave are “Genetic assessment of molluscan stock enhancement” and “BAC haplotypes show extensive sequence polymorphism in the Pacific oyster genome”.

  Prof. Pierre Boudry’s research interests focus on genetics, physiology and genomics of oysters, and is in the field a leading scientist in France. He has been a member of the Oyster Genome Consortium Steering Committee since 2007. This is his second visit to SCSIO, and he made the following presentations: “Population genomics of invasiveness of the Pacific oyster in the context of its geographic expansion in Northern Europe” and “Functional and population genomics of reproductive allocation and invasiveness in the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas”. 

  Prof. Yu briefly introduced his group’s work of oyster genetics to the guests, and then group members-Drs Xiangyun Wu and Yang Zhang, presented their research on bivalve mitochondrial genome and immunity-related gene of oysters, respectively. The guests expressed their interest in the group’s work and progress. Idea exchanges and discussion about recent trends in oyster genetics were made among parties, and possible cooperation was discussed accordingly.  

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